QM Events

January 09, 2017     ARCHIVES

Media Guru: HBS Professor Bharat Anand, Author of The Content Trap

Bharat Anand

Bharat N. Anand, the Henry R. Byers Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, and a Professor in the Strategy Unit is an expert in digital strategy and corporate strategy. The Professor is January’s Media Guru, talking about his new book, The Content Trap: A Strategist’s Guide to Digital Change, which was recently published.

“Digitization exposes weak links. Then it breaks them,” writes the Wall Street Journal in a neat summary explanation of the book. “So much so that it makes you wonder what people were thinking in the first place. According to Bharat Anand… the weakest link is between producing content and everything else. Such connections ‘are at the heart of what shapes any digitally touched business today.’ He looks as the content assumptions behind various industries and shows the ways in which, over time, they can become an obstacle to success.”

Prof Anand says in the book’s preface that although the book centers on the industries that use information goods such as books, TV, music, film and advertising, “I hope the lessons gleaned apply far beyond those domains…. After all, everyone today – a businessperson, an educator, a politician, a student, an artist, an entrepreneur – can reach and interact with others directly. In other words, everyone is a media company today.”

Professor Anand created Harvard Business School’s first executive program on media strategies, has served as faculty head for the required strategy course in the MBA program, and currently serves as faculty chair of various executive programs at the school. He currently serves as faculty chair of HBX, the school’s digital learning initiative that he helped create.

Professor Anand received his B.A. in economics from Harvard College magna cum laude, and his PhD in economics from Princeton University. He is a recipient of HBS’ Greenhill Award for outstanding contributions to the school. He has advised leading organizations and entrepreneurs worldwide. He is a renowned teacher, and a two-time winner of the “best teacher award” at Harvard Business School. He is the author of over fifty articles and case studies.


Media Guru events have no Power Point presentations. The program is a question and answer session where the moderator asks 30 minutes of questions, and the audience the other 30 minutes. We expect you will hear information at the session and nowhere else.

Photo by Evgenia Eliseeva

Quantum Media organizes both the Media Guru and Media Disruptor series in conjunction with the Harvard Business School Club of Greater New York. Occasionally, we may also recommend other media events to our mailing list.

The Media Guru and Media Disruptor series feature top business leaders and innovators speaking to club members and guests in informal sessions about the art and business of media. The talks are formatted as question and answer and are generally off the record. Media Guru and Media Disruptor events are breakfasts or after work events and are held at different venues around the city. Subscribe to the mailing list for schedule and details.

About Media Guru


Quantum Media organizes both the Media Guru and Media Disruptor series in conjunction with the Harvard Business School Club of Greater New York. Occasionally, we may also recommend other media events to our mailing list.

The Media Guru and Media Disruptor series feature top business leaders and innovators speaking to club members and guests in informal sessions about the art and business of media. The talks are formatted as question and answer and are generally off the record. Media Guru and Media Disruptor events are breakfasts or after work events and are held at different venues around the city. Subscribe to the mailing list for schedule and details.